
admin Richard Chaney, Branded Content Work

Virgin Media ‘Playhouse’Director: Richard ChaneyShare this Post Virgin Media’s Playhouse contains a world of offers to spark Playtime. We worked with Publicis Dublin to bring a fun playful aesthetic and dynamism to the campaign. Our Virgin Brand magical ‘sprite’ leads the audience into the Playhouse and sparks the transformation of a room containing the first offer. Next it brings the offer …


admin Richard Chaney, Branded Content Work

Kellogg’s Tresor Stix ‘Cannibals’Director: Richard ChaneyShare this Post Piranha Bar were again delighted to collaborate with Kellogg’s and Leo Burnett UK to create this origin story for Tresor Stix. We find our ravenous Tresor Chocovores in search of anything chocolately to fill their little cereal bellies. Raiding the lovely kitchen Piranha Bar designed and built for them, their frustration grows when …

Krazy Hunt

admin Richard Chaney, Branded Content Work

Kellogg’s Tresor – Krazy Hunt CampaignShare this PostBattle RoyaleShare this PostPlatform Battle Chocovores are on the hunt… again… This time we find them in the live action world. Their insatiable pursuit of anything chocolatey sees them follow a block of chocolate through a magical wormhole back into the comfort zone of their gaming worlds. The campaign features two gaming destinations; a …