Mya Go
MyaGo is a pre school animated show about a young girl whose enthusiasm infects everyone around her. With her fearless sense of adventure, she try’s things for the first time with a Go get it attitude. MyaGo Paris, MyaGo Shop, MyaGo Rock Band. Each title instantly captures the tasks, big and small, that MyaGo happily engages with and resourcefully figures out. She lives in the very busy town of Everyday and with her closest friends Suzie Play, Emily Share and the hilarious Tommy Stop. With its abundance of characters, a colourful and gleeful style and a catchy theme tune, Myago is sure to capture the hearts and minds of 3 to 6 year old’s around the world.
Creator: Alan Foley
Producers: Dave Burke, Nicky Gogan, Óscar Albert
Lead Writer: Sam Morrison
Production Coordinator: Lizzie Jones
Production Companies: Piranha Bar & Motion Pictures
Running Time 5m 30s X 104 episodes